9 If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 With the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)
According to the Bible there is a simple, two-part requirement for becoming a Christian. FIRST: you must...
Do you believe Jesus is who the Bible claims He is? Jesus is the Son of God; the One who paid the price for your sin and offers you forgiveness and cleansing from sin. He died - death is the payment for sin - and was buried. He rose from the dead and lives today, at the right hand of God, preparing a place for all who believe.
Jesus made some radical claims: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father but through me." "I and the Father are one." He claimed to be eternal: "Before Moses was, I am!"
Do you believe? If you do, the Bible promises such belief leads to righteousness. This means, you are made right before God. When you become a Christian, your sins are forgiven and taken away; being placed on Jesus at the cross. In their place, you receive God's righteousness. Jesus gets your sin; you get His righteousness! What a deal for us!
Do you believe? It's a simple step of saying, "Yes, Lord. I believe you are who you claim to be; who the Bible says you are."
SECOND: once you believe, then you must...
Specifically, you confess with your mouth - that is, verbally and out loud so others can hear - that you now have by faith come to a place of believing that "Jesus is Lord." Simply tell someone...tell a pastor, a friend or family member...and as you live the Christian experience you will continue confessing your faith.
Do you want to become a Christian - to experience an abundant life here, and be assured of Heaven hereafter? Here is a simple way to remember what's required...
A - Admit you are a sinner. Just agree with God that you have sin in your life, and that you need a savior - some way of dealing with that sin.
B - Believe Jesus is the answer for your sin problem. By faith accept what the Bible says about Him.
C - Confess your faith to others.
This is how to become a Christian!
[Have other questions or need to talk with someone about what you are feeling, thinking or experiencing? Then please contact me through the email address on this blog.]