Amazing Truths...Historical Facts...Undeniable Evidence

Amazing Truths...Historical Facts...Undeniable Evidence

Read prophecies about the coming Messiah and see them perfectly fulfilled in the life of Jesus. Delve into His teachings, be amazed at His miracles, and study the details of his ministry. Learn who He is...experience Him. Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jesus' Names for You

On the Contents page of this blog you can see a section in which the seven “I am” statements of Jesus (in the Gospel of John) are discussed.  In each of the seven, Jesus gives Himself a name that demonstrates some aspect of His nature and conveys some benefit for believers.

Jesus also gave names to us, His followers.  These names indicate much about the relationship that is possible between Jesus and each of us.

Name #1

Read the following passage to discover the first name:

This is My command: love one another as I have loved you.  No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends.  You are My friends if you do what I command you.  I do not call you slaves anymore, because a slave doesn’t know what his master is doing.  I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from My Father.  You did not choose Me, but I chose you.  I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.  This is what I command you: love one another.”  (John 15:12-17)

Name #1: friend

This passage truly is a beautiful description of our relationship with Jesus as friends.  What an amazing thought, one worthy of much meditation and prayerful thanksgiving: Jesus calls you and me friend.

As with any meaningful relationship, so with this one too, there are two parts to the relationship:

1. Jesus command (that we love one another).
2. Our obedience to the command.

Since both parties have a role in the relationship, this assures us that this is a real relationship.  A one-sided relationship would either mean Jesus was doing it all as a dictator; or that we were doing it all in some vain hope of getting His attention and receiving some unknown reward.  Thankfully, this is a two-sided relationship; a true friendship, with all the responsibilities and rewards that such a relationship affords.

As we read the passage from John 15, we first learn of Jesus’ work in this relationship.  A careful reading will show us that Jesus’ role in being a friend to each of us personally includes seven distinct actions.  As your friend…

1. He loves you. (vs. 12)
2. He lay down His life for you. (vs. 13)
3. He directs the relationship. (vs. 14)
4. He tells you all that the Father has told Him. (vs. 15)
5. He chose you. (vs. 16)
6. He appointed/commissioned you. (vs. 16)
7. He commands you. (vs. 17)

How amazing to reflect on what Jesus did so that He could call each of us friend.

Reading the passage from John again, we discover that we have three responsibilities to fulfill as part of this relationship.  [Certainly all relationships require much work.  Should we be surprised that our relationship to Jesus as His friend places requirements on us as well?]

My responsibilities in this relationship with Jesus as friend:

1. Love one another. (vs. 12,17)
2. Obey His command. (vs. 14)
3. Go and produce fruit. (vs. 16)

Everything we learn from Scripture about the Lord Jesus can and should impact our prayer life.  His seven self-given names in the “I am” statements all encourage us to pray more specifically, depending on the need at the moment.  The same is true in this passage.

Indeed, this passage contains a wonderful prayer promise.  Did you see it?

“…so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.” (vs. 16)

The promise grows out of our relationship with Jesus as a friend, and occurs in the context of Him having just said, “You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain…  What does this mean?

The prayer promise gains its power as we are faithfully and obediently going and bearing fruit!  We do so humbly, knowing He chose us, and calls us friend.  And since He calls us friend, then we can call the Lord Jesus Christ our friend as well.  Amazing!

Name #2

Read the following passage and discover the second name:

For the One who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one Father.  That is why He is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying: ‘I will proclaim Your name to My brothers; I will sing hymns to You in the congregation’.” (Hebrews 2:11-12)

Name #2: brothers

Another great promise of Scripture: though each person is stinking filthy in their trespasses and sin (from God’s perspective, if not from our own), Jesus said He would not be ashamed to call us brothers/sisters – close relatives, members of the family!

Those He sanctified, He calls brothers, and is not ashamed to do so.

When we are adopted into God’s family as His children, at the moment of salvation, we indeed become brothers and sisters to Jesus.  Since Jesus called us brothers, we can consider Him our Brother.  This may seem audacious or arrogant, perhaps even inappropriate to you.

But remember, Jesus is our example and our role model.  He first called us brothers.  So we, even though it may seem awkward, are free to call Him brother as well.

When you think of all that Jesus has established this relationship with Him as friend and brother; truly we are blessed.  Not only do we know who has all authority, power and provisions to meet our needs, but now we know He calls us friend and brother.

Next time you prepare to pray, pause for a moment.  Consider all that Jesus can do for you, wants to do for you, and that He is your friend and brother.  Then pray!

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