Amazing Truths...Historical Facts...Undeniable Evidence

Amazing Truths...Historical Facts...Undeniable Evidence

Read prophecies about the coming Messiah and see them perfectly fulfilled in the life of Jesus. Delve into His teachings, be amazed at His miracles, and study the details of his ministry. Learn who He is...experience Him. Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am the Bread of Life

Seven times John records Jesus giving Himself an “I Am” name.  Each one describes an aspect of our relationship with Him; how we should view Jesus and relate to Him.  Each also provides a glimpse of what Jesus offers to all faithful and obedient believers.  May you be enriched and blessed as you study these names and discover what He offers to you each day.
The first “I am” name is found in John 6:35; “I am the bread of life,” Jesus told them.

Take a moment and ponder…what does this name Jesus gave Himself mean to you today: “I am the Bread of Life.”  Is it important?  Does this matter somehow, or make any real difference in your life?  Should it?

The answer is, “Yes!  Each name Jesus gave Himself indicates a human need He alone can meet.  What do you think the human need is that He alone can meet as the “Bread of Life” for mankind?

Jesus tells us as verse 35 continues: “No one who comes to Me will ever be hungry…”  Later in the passage Jesus reminds those He’s talking with that their forefathers ate manna while wondering in the wilderness – and eventually they died.  But then says of Himself:

[I am] the bread that comes down from heaven so that anyone may eat of it and not die.  I am the living bread…If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever” (vs. 50-51).

As humans, we need nourishment.  We understand this as it applies to us physically; we know and believe that we have to eat fairly regularly to be healthy and strong.  Sometimes we fail to realize, or just forget, that we need spiritual nourishment as well.  In fact, what good does it really do to feed a body that will die, while starving a soul that will exist for eternity?

Jesus is the bread that not only feeds the soul, but gives it LIFE…initially, and the nourishment to sustain it for all time.  This truly is a need we have that only He can meet!

So come, take of Him.  Let Him come into your life.  Feast on His free grace, forgiveness and love.  Learn about Him.  Study His life and teachings.  Become a follower of His.

Believe.  Feast spiritually on this bread…and live forever!

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