Amazing Truths...Historical Facts...Undeniable Evidence

Amazing Truths...Historical Facts...Undeniable Evidence

Read prophecies about the coming Messiah and see them perfectly fulfilled in the life of Jesus. Delve into His teachings, be amazed at His miracles, and study the details of his ministry. Learn who He is...experience Him. Be blessed!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sign 6: The Man Born Blind

John included seven attesting miracles – 7 signs – that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God; so that readers of his gospel would believe in Jesus and believing, would have eternal life!

Do you enjoy a good mystery?

Lots of people do; maybe you are one of them.  I have family members who really enjoy mystery novels and detective stories.  I remember enjoying the Hardy boy’s books when I was young.  Even now, one of my favorite kinds of movie is one with adventure, intrigue and a good does of mystery and surprise.

Apparently, the mystery genre is very popular.  Just look at the mystery section in any book store.  Authors and publishers churn out mysteries by the dozens each year.

What makes a mystery, a good mystery?  I believe it occurs on the rare occasion when an author is able to capture us with a splendid use of the who, what, when, where and how questions as he develops the story-line.

But only in the rarest of circumstances does an author adequately delve into the why of the mystery story.  Those who do, and do it well, write classics.  It is the why question which most authors leave alone.  Perhaps they do so because it is the hardest question to answer.

Look at real-life mysteries as proof.  A mother drowns her two sons by putting them in the back seat of her car and rolling it into the lake.  A jury convicts her of the horrendous crime.  We know the who, what, when, where and how.  What we do not know, nor ever will we understand, is why.  Why did she do it?  Why do two men in a small boat pull alongside the USS Cole, stand and salute, then commit suicide in an attempt to destroy the ship?  Why do men hijack two planes and fly them into the World Trade Center towers in New York?  Why, why why?

Eventually – particularly for those in the church, but even for those outside her as well – our why questions lead back to God.  “God, why…,” we ask.  Some of our why questions may not be answered on this side of eternity.  But still, it is important to ask.

In the verses below, the why question is paramount; and its answer reveals so much about our Lord Jesus and what He offers to us all.  But first, we should answer the who, what, when, where and how questions about the narrative.

As He was passing by, He saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples questioned Him: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”  “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” Jesus answered.  “This came about so that God’s works might be displayed in him.  We must do the works of Him who sent Me while it is day.  Night is coming when no one can work.  As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”  After He said these things He spit on the ground, made some mud from the saliva, and spread the mud on his eyes.  “Go,” He told him, “wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means “Sent”).  So he left, washed, and came back seeing.  (John 9:1-7)


The participants in the passage are: Jesus, the disciples and the man born blind.  By implication, through the disciple’s question, we may include the man’s parents as well.


As they are walking away from the temple (John 8:59), the disciples notice a man who from birth has been blind.  Perhaps the disciples truly wanted an answer to a great theological question: sin and its impact on humanity.  But the question they asked only revealed their agreement with the belief of their day: illness was caused by sin, either your own or that of your parents.


The when question has to do with the timing of the sin.  Did this man do the sin which caused his blindness; therefore it occurred in his lifetime (since he was born blind, they would have assumed God knew the man would later sin and thus caused the blindness at birth).  Or, did the sin occur before his time.


The disciples want to know where to place blame for the man’s situation.  The common belief of their day said the blindness must be either his fault, or that of his parents.

Let’s expand their question a little.  We could easily ask it of any situation in which we find ourselves, or in which we see others.  Who is at fault?  Where do we place the blame?

We do this all the time.  It’s not my fault!  It’s my parents’ fault for mistreating me.  It’s the government’s fault.  My second grade teacher is to blame.  It has to be somebody’s fault.  Someone is to blame for this situation in which I find myself!”

Let me ask you a different question:  So what?

Certainly there are times when knowing where the fault lies is an appropriate step toward mending the situation.  But usually, placing blame helps nothing!  In fact, it often hurts greatly.  Many confrontations are, at best, an effort to avoid blame and place it upon another.  The disciples simply wanted to know, “Where do we place the blame?


Inferred in the disciples’ question is an understanding of the how.  They believe sin is the cause – sin is the reason this man is in this predicament.  They never pause to question their own understanding of the how.  It is assumed.

The disciples asked Jesus the wrong questions about the man.  They asked who: “Who sinned, this man or his parents? They asked what: “What sin caused this blindness?  They asked when: “When did this sin occur; was it of his own doing, or of his parents’?  They asked where: “Where was the sin; in him, or in others?  They even inferred how: “Sin is the reason for this blindness.

Jesus answered their questions with one word of correction.  They then delved much deeper to answer the question they had dared not ask…


Why was the man born blind?  Jesus was absolutely clear.  His blindness was not a result of his sin, his parents’ sin, or anyone else’s sin.  Therefore, as if often the case, placing blame was not going to solve the man’s problem; blaming somebody was not going to help anything!

This man was in this situation for one reason: so that God could be glorified.

Did this happen?  Yes, it did; in the remainder of chapter nine as the man was healed and reported the events to all the people – to anyone who would listen.  Indeed, he still is testifying to us of God’s goodness (through the writings of John) some 2000 years later!  God’s good works are still being praised.

Do you get it?

Bad situations and tragic circumstances may come into your life – not because they are anybody’s fault – but rather, so that God may do a miraculous work in your life through which He is glorified!  He works in our life, He blesses us, so that we will boasts of Him.

Jesus’ lesson to the disciples can transform the way you and I view difficulties and problems we encounter.  Instead of placing blame, we begin by looking to God; and looking for the manner by which He may be glorified through it all.

As we do so, God responds.  In this passage, the man who had never seen opened his eyes and saw – saw his family, the world around him, even himself.  And later, he even got to look into the face of Jesus!

Last Thought

It is okay to ask God, “Why?” when terrible things come into your life.  Just be sure to look for the way those terrible things may bring Him glory as well.

In what way God may the circumstances of my life bring honor and glory to You?

When you can answer that question, you will begin to understand all the why’s? about the circumstances of your life.

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